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Monday, June 15, 2009

June Payout

I just finish my Diploma, and I came across SHMC due to a intro from my good friend.

I do own a blog updating about my life & things happen around me, even have another blogshop for selling stuff.

Doing business on the internet is good, because it is huge, it connects the whole world into it.
And the disadvantage of the internet is the same point, because it is too huge already.. and need ways to direct traffic to Your website.

There are 101 ways to direct traffic to Your website, and in SHMC it's training videos teaches the most effective ways to do it.

It is a very useful internet tools, and very simple to use.

Well as I'm using this SHMC's tools, I can share it with friends around me. If they get interested & sign up then I will get a referral commission.

This is what I said to all the peoples I had shared with, "I cannot confirm this SHMC is 100% not a scam, but what I can say is until now I'm still getting my commission =)"

Seriously speaking, this is the way to show my honesty. Because it is too new in the market, but I can see SHMC is improving & growing stronger.

Applying for the Case Trust will mark a safe & long term learning platform for the user.

I am very sure that the founder, Dennis Bay, will change & edit everything to follow the law according to the book. This shows that he really want to be legal and build a long life learning platform for everyone.


-About ME


Name: Ray Tan, Age: 24, DOB: 14/09/1987, Diploma of Business Management.

ADD ME IN: MSN, E-Mail, Facebook, Friendster.

My Baby Bear
Lovely together for 5 years, still counting..



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